Meet my neighbor Brooke. She is an adorable spit fire that has won my entire family over. She is currently at UCLA Children's Hospital waiting for a heart. She is 2. I recently had the chance to give her mom a break and spend some one on one time with Brooke (who always makes my day). I wanted to share the images from my day with her and ask all of you to add this angel and her family to your prayer lists.
Since I have 2 boys, getting to braid a little girls hair is an absolute thrill so of course I had to take a picture.
This is her amazing mother who is probably the strongest woman I have ever met.
The girl can eat an entire In N Out Hamburger.
I am pretty sure she is going to be their next spokes model.
She decided to paint each hand and foot a different color. Yet another thrill...mani's and pedi's.